Moth Sex Pheromones

moth sex pheromones

Female moths produce a sex pheromone, a different blend of chemicals for each species, which attracts males from a distance. Males detect these chemicals with exquisitely sensitive hair-like structures in the antenna. These hairs contain specialized neurons, nerve cells that express pheromone receptors which are activated when they bind to individual pheromone components. Different species […]

The Blue Triangle Butterfly

blue triangle butterfly

The Blue Triangle butterfly, Graphium sarpedon has been the star research subject in Japan. All butterflies see colours like we do, plus they also see ultraviolet and polarized light. However, recent studies in Japan of the Blue Triangle butterflies have found each of their eyes have at least 15 different types of photo receptors. Most […]

Friday Fun Fact – where are Britain’s butterflies going?

britains butterflies

The numbers of Britain’s butterflies have dropped dramatically over the last summer season. The British Butterfly Conservation survey began in 2010. The Big Butterfly Count is a nationwide survey to help create a picture of which species are most at risk. This year 36,000 volunteers took part, recording sightings of butterflies around the region. Despite an […]

Poo-throwing Caterpillars

poo-throwing caterpillars

Yup, you heard us! This one is all about poo-throwing caterpillars … messy little creatures! Some species of caterpillars have a unique “catapulting” mechanism for waste disposal. For example, silver-spotted skipper caterpillars use their blood pressure pump to throw their faecal pellets from an anal “launching pad” up to 1.4 meters away from their nest […]